Organic oils

Pure vegetable oils and first cold pressing for cosmetic use.

Argan, almond, black seed, pumpkin seed, coconut, sesame, poppy seed, walnut, hazelnut ...

Argan oil

Argan oil 50ml - 80dh

Anti-aging oil

1st pressed virgin oil. Argan oil contains high proportions of essential fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and tocopherols (vitamin E), antioxidants. Prevents premature drying of the skin.
Daily applications, face, body and hair.
For normal skin, dry skin, mature skin and baby skin.
Applications: Pregnancy, stretch marks, scars, brittle nails, dry areas of hands, feet and elbows.

Black cumin seed oil

Virgin black cumin seed oil. 50ml - 80dh

Anti-aging, purifying and anti-inflammatory oil.

Hair oil.

It contains the essential oil of black cumin seed which is purifying and anti-inflammatory, it also contains vitamin E a natural antioxidant and carotenoid that protect tissues.

Daily massages, face, body and hair. All skin.

Old age task, and brittle nails.

Almond oil

Virgin almond oil. 50ml - 80dh

Almond oil contains high proportions of oleic acid that slows the premature drying of the skin and restores its elasticity.

For very dry skin and sensitive skin. Daily massages, face, body and hair.

Poppy seed oil

Virgin poppy seed oil 50ml - 100dh

Emollient oil 

Poppy seed oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is quickly absorbed by the skin.

Suitable for all types of skin and domaged skin. It softens and gives shine to your hair.

It can be used also as a cleansing oil. Daily uses, face, body and hair.


WalNut oil

Walnut oil 50ml - 120dh

Walnut oil is protecting, light and quikly absorbed by the skin.

Rich in vitamin E (230 mg/1 kg), it rejuvenat the skin and give it brightness.

Use for moisturizing.

All skin.

Hazelnut oil

Hazelnut oil 50ml - 120dh

Hazelnut oil regulates the rate of sebum of the skin and protect the nature and youth of this one.

The oil of Hazelnut contain 78% of oleic acid recommanded to warn the premature drying of the skin.

She restores of the flexibility and elasticity of the skin.

For very dry skins

Sesame oil

Virgin sesame oil 50ml - 60dh

Antioxidant oil

Rich in vitamin E, sesamolin, lecithin and selenium all essential natural antioxidants in the formation of cells. Daily massages, face, body and hair. All skin.

UV protection and brittle nails.

Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil 50ml - 60dh

Protecting oil 

Softening and moisturizing, natural antioxydants. It restor and give shin to your hair.

Daily application face body and hair.

Dry zones hands feet and elbows.

for dry skin. After sun.



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  • VOYANT MARAB9UT SERIEUX Marabout Vaudou Retour Affectif rapide en 7 jours / Tel/whatsapp :+22966471096 ou +22964472900 On 20/01/2025

    Comment faire revenir l'être aimé avec une photo, faire Tel/whatsapp :+22966471096 ou +22964472900 ...

  • Leila On 07/12/2023

    L'huile Vanille Argan est très adoucissante je l'utilise même pour mes enfants ils adore le parfum de ...

  • Yasmine On 04/12/2023

    Bonjour j'aime beaucoup l'huile d'amande parce qu'elle a un bon effet sur mes cheveux merci

  • Yves souheil On 22/11/2023

    Bonjour laisser vos commentaires sur notre livre d'or merci.

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